winter songs

My (now a tradition?) winter mix – not making cds this year,  just songs here for you! Please enjoy!!!!

living3White Heron Mountain Man
Sage Bundle Yum Waarm Ye Stag Hare
Waves White Rainbow
Red Sky Wooden Veil
Warrior’s Lullaby Steffen Basho-Junghans
Into the Dust of the Earth Brethren of the Free Spirit
Winters Love Animal Collective
Bride of the Spirits Twinsistermoon
Abscheid Nico
The Spears of the Wolf Natural Snow Buildings
Seadrift Arborea
Dreamcast Yoga
Old Days Rose Melberg
White Sian Alice Group
White As Diamonds Alela Diane
The Ice Odawas
White Wind Peter Walker
Crystal Peak Vanishing Voice
Spiral Spell Siren
Animal Tracks Mountain Man


I’ve been home from the hospital for a day, all spinny woozy! I want to be floating in tiny boats down fairy-rivers, instead I have a million things to do for work and feel super stressed crazy upset weird. Oh chemicals, oh bodies. Everything went well, though, and hopefully healing and being stitched up nice and sound will coincide with things falling into place. Such a lot of poor luck has been happening – letters and parcels stolen, near miss car smashes, death and sorrows, just a lot of chaos! Luckily I am tucked safe and cozy in our wee nest, being taken care of. Begone, dark days; hello new tomorrows!!!


  1. Thank you so much for posting these tunes. I’ve been listening to them whilst curled up in my loft reading with my Mum’s homemade chocolates and some hot spiced wine. Perfect accompaniment! Glad you’re recovering well – take care. x

  2. I just wanted to pop in and say that I absolutely adore your music mixes! Early last year all I ever seemed to listen to was crappy hip-hop and electronic music, and now that I look back it was sort of making me feel like I was lacking in a soul. Then one day, I discovered one of your mixes, and it pretty much changed my life! I fell in love with the beautiful haunting melodies and delicate sounds I found. I started listening to more and more lovely music, and now I just couldn’t be happier. Thank you so much, madam! Please keep doing what you’re doing and filling lives with wonder and magic.

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