
order of rainbow for girls

I’m about to go back to Vermont for the elflings’ shared birthday, and I realized I hadn’t shared some of the magical treasures I found last time!


These letters (with the Air Mail stamp) are phenomenal – a woman is traveling around the world, and writing back to the man she refused to marry. I looked him up, they didn’t ever marry, he married someone else! They’re just wonderful! I gave these to Kate, but I’m going to go back to the shop and hope the rest are still there! I could kick myself for not taking the whole stack!! I’ll transcribe some when Kate gets back from Scotland, maybe.


I’m starting my chapter of the Order of Rainbow for Girls right now. My check boxes will be a little different, though.


This dress is one of those moments when you’re in a thrift shop filled with old lady pants and suddenly there’s a 1930s velvet dress in pristine condition for $5 and you have to pinch yourself to make sure it’s not one of those terrible dreams where you find the best thrift shop ever and wake up crying because it wasn’t real. Yes. If I ever get married it would be in a dress like this, I think. but long sleeved and white silk. Umm, not that I’ll ever get married.



Pretty buckle, art deco print scarf, taffeta bag.


I got a few leather bags – this one and a small black Coach one!


I was oddly drawn to these, looked them up and they were created for the 1970s onboard service of the Queen Elizabeth 2 in the Cunard ship line!

I don’t know how much time I’ll have for treasure hunting on the next trip, but I will be trying to furnish my cabin, so we shall see!!


  1. I hate those dreams :( I have those all the time – I find some amazing yard sale or warehouse or whatever, with pristine vintage clothes for a buck, and I get a big haul and I’m excited, and then I wake up. There are a few seconds upon waking when I actually feel like I have the clothes. Then it sinks in.

    That dress is so dreamy.

  2. oh, oh, oh. why do we all have those dreams? they’re seriously wrenching…if you’re as shallow as i. that dress is gorgeous. i have a similar skirt suit that was my grandma’s.

  3. I have those dreams all the time, and I always think that I really should remember the location of the shop so that I can go back when I’m awake… Strange how I’m aware that I’m dreaming yet still believe the shop is real.
    Anyway, amazing finds! I especially like the letters, the taffeta bag and the dress (of course).

  4. I love the Rainbow Order for Girls! I want to join! I had to tell you thanks again for your post of books to read earlier this summer. I finally found A Girl of the Limberlost after many years of wondering what it was called. I love it….thanks!!!

    p.s. if you make it to Maine (my stomping grounds), go and visit the Liberty Tool Company in Liberty, Maine OR the Tool Barn in Hulls Cove, Maine. Both places are amazing treasure troves of beautiful, strange things…

  5. patience: yay! i think maybe it’s time for another book post, i’ve been hurtling through them this summer – it seems like weekends are for lying in a patch of sun on a quilt reading! i’ve become a little antisocial!

    no maine this time, but perhaps in the spring…thanks for the tips!

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