
medicine wheels

I’ve been thinking so much about medicine wheels lately, my hands are itching to make one, to head to the beach for driftwood & magic.

One of my favorite things found in Vermont over the holidays is this handmade pouch, hand embroidered probably 100 years ago with this medicine wheel. It tingles with magic when you touch it, I am in awe of it. The inside hoops that gather the ribbon are bone.


When I read this piece of writing this morning by the lovely Kaia Ra, I knew that my medicine wheel intuition was exactly what I’ve been needing to do to build a map and to ask for the directions from the universe. I’ve known for so long that I need to open up to the universe, stop being so harsh, dance & love and express JOY instead of expressing momentary irritation. We make our own paths to ourselves but we are always guided.


The following was written by Kaia in Mt. Shasta, it is just so inspiring and beautiful that I had to share. Kaia does classes, energy work, and rituals in the Bay Area, & helped me get through a miscarriage in an incredible way.

For the past year i have felt compelled and inspired to build medicine wheels when i am within Her. Small or large, it does not matter, faerie beings of all sizes enjoy them. The spirit world LOVES them. The ancestors gather close, the water sprites flit about, ancient tree spirits steps outside of their bark to help channel whatever the wheel needs for that location.

Medicine wheels are altars in nature, they are stargates, they open up intentional portals of energy for the earth, the earth spirits, the ancestors and the star beings above to work together as one with a physical world interface. Sacred geometry and ancient future designs are the human interface for these realms to work together. I give thanks, we are so blessed to be able to participate in this multidimensional conversation through our gifts of creativity.

With healing work all kinds of emotions can span the inner spectrum. There are moments when I want to break something or physically storm against the world. These feelings are natural and I honor them. But what i have found is that when i go into the natural world and create i am harnessing this anger in strength, grace, channeling it into an offering to both spirit and myself.  There were days I didn’t know how to breathe or eat or get out of bed. What kept me going was finding my way in nature. I would beg the faerie and ancestor spirits to help me find the right branches or stones or feathers to work with. I would be stumbling through the woods, praying, crying, daring to keep creating when all i wanted to do was throw up. And i began to create medicine wheels. Circles, circles, circles of power, activation, healing, gifts to myself, gifts to others, gifts to my true divine mother.

As I worked on the medicine wheel today, I was filled with the consciousness of the river. There was not enough sound in me to feel sadness, only the movement of Her body all around me. I dug my hands into the crags and found piece after piece of perfect medium. Stones in all shapes that hugged my hand, the piercing water was glue against my skin. I wondered how often people got to know the strength and poignancy of stone and its spirit…right through their own two hands. The green moss was emerald healing energy all around me as i began to place each stone in steps for faeries to dance around later tonight.

I wondered how many deep places within people would start to settle perfectly like these pebbles in the river if they took the time to sit here and just be or just create their own vision inside of Her. And as usual, my mind wandered to the current health of our planet and how powerful it would be if everyone went into nature and began creating, mindfully, with nature.


  1. this is powerful. i’m at home waiting to miscarry our second baby. i feel so sad and stuck. this afternoon i am going to walk by the sea and i will try to make a medicine wheel. XXX

  2. the waiting is driving me crazy. i have had what is called a ‘missed miscarriage’, the baby died, and my body didn’t notice, it just went on thinking it was pregnant. did you have to wait a long time? it’s been three days so far. i wish it was over. my herbalist friend made me a tincture but still nothing. thank you for your kind words.

    1. Meh. I’ve been thinking about you all morning. I took the medicine they gave me which induced cramping. HORRIBLE. I don’t know, if your body isn’t making it happen, should you force it? What did the doctor say? How far along are you?

      Oh, my heart is breaking for you.

  3. they wouldn’t let me have the medicine. said i was too far along for it to work properly. i am (was?) about 13 weeks but the pregnancy ended a month ago at 9 weeks or thereabouts. we found out at the scan. so they sent me home saying it would/could happen by itself. but it’s like my body is just not letting go, why? how can my body deceive me this way?

    i am booked in for a surgical miscarriage on Wednesday next week, i don’t want to do it that way, well, i don’t want to do it at all, but i don’t really want intervention but at the same time, this suspended reality is so difficult.

    i really appreciate you having this conversation with me, truly. X

    1. Oh honey honey. How scary. Did you make your medicine wheel? It feels like a ceremony would help, saying goodbye to this little one and thanking her for being with you as long as possible, and that you both can let go. Holding the energy and love and wanting at the same time that it flows back out into the world, does that make sense?

      I hope it can start naturally before the surgery. Calming calming restful thoughts. I am so so sorry you have to go through this.

  4. it is done.

    it started naturally. and became really intense very very quickly. i lost a lot of blood. i am at home now, trying to build my hemoglobin levels up with lots of rest and good food.

    your last comment (above) made me cry. and i did try some ceremony the day before it started/ended. i found a shell on the beach, it was perfectly in half and so i privately and silently bid her goodbye and threw half back into the sea. i have the other half. which i will keep. i have nothing else.

    thank you Tamera for your kindness, wisdom and words. you really did help.

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