
made by hand

Growing up in Vermont, I spent hours poring over my parent’s handmade house books, imagining tiny spaces and woodland homes I would call my own one day. I’m a lot closer now, & I still spend hours pretending ~ when I can’t sleep, I imagine I’m walking through imaginary houses, cozy with woodstoves & woven rugs.

Handmade homes: The natural way to build houses, 1981

Handmade Houses: A Guide to the Woodbutcher’s Art, 1973

Wizard’s Eye, 1978

Shelter, 1973

Home Work: Handbuilt Shelter, ??

Rolling Homes, 1979

Woodstock Handmade Houses, 1974


  1. That first picture is my favorite bed from Handmade houses! I sort of memorized the descriptions, and remember that one being a fishing shack on a river (?) where they pulled architectural bits that flooded downstream to make the bed.
    I WISH I had those other books. I know Shelter was reprinted. Rolling Homes was hard to find, except by chance at the old Santa Cruz Flea Market.
    I’m sure one day you will have your treehouse or gnome cottage!

  2. I have them all except Rolling Homes, original copies. They are not too spendy! Some of the links are right cheap. Massive daydream fuel.

  3. oh how i love these books. we have the Home Work one at my bookstore too; i’m gonna have to pick it up. i pore over it everyday anyway. i can’t wait to check out more of your blog; thanks for the link and the comment. i am so inspired by people who build and create and make their dreams come true!

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