leaf peeping

 Unlike last year’s post-Irene not-so-great foliage season, this year is a stunning cacophony of bright red, sunny yellows, and practically neon oranges. This weekend was looking like the peak leaf peeping time, so out we went into the rain to soak in the color, through the mist. It gave me a chance to take my new-to-me 1940s Hudson Bay coat for a spin, but being curled up by the woodstove for the rest of the night sounds good too. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE FALL!?


  1. Fall is always my favorite time in Vermont, always makes me homesick – but at least we’re down in Maine now, instead of in Newfoundland where everything just turned brown!

      1. Yes! That coat is AMAZING! (And the colors! Oh how I miss them. Aspens are beautiful but not quite the same as New England fall. Next year though. Next year.)

  2. I love the coat and the fall colours! I have an HBC blanket that my husband and I bought after our wedding as our “heirloom”.

    It’s spring in Brisbane, which is really quite lovely, but I do miss that fall feeling of crispness and change in the air. Beautiful!

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