desert holiday

I was all set to post our mini vacation photos tonight without any text when this afternoon I clicked a link to a blog I don’t really read. It was just a casual look at a room, but so filled with expensive things and so seemingly blasé about it that I realized that my being raised by wolves makes me really excited about ANYTHING fancy. Gauche, maybe, but I’m still charmed and awed by nice hotel rooms & manicures. So yes, it seems insincere to post these without saying something that reflects that. We spent 4 days away, 2 headed down the coast and 2 in the desert and I ran around going OMG BEACH! OMG TINY SHAMPOO! OMG MASSAGE! I’ll admit it, I’m not very cool about being fancy. It was amazing. I want to go back.


  1. Oooo. So pretty and fancy! And I would totally do the same thing. In fact, I did do that very same thing when we stayed at a Four Seasons for a friend’s wedding this summer (they had super wedding rates for it). James and I immediately tried on the fancy robes and were about to throw on the slippers and then realized they might charge us more if we opened them up. So we kindly put them back in the closet. :) haha

    1. Hee! They’re just sealed for clean-ness. They wouldn’t charge you. This one did have one of the electronic minibars though where you can’t even PICK UP something without a charge.

  2. I wouldn’t even need a fancy hotel but a sleeping back or just a stone as pillow had I some nature like this around anywhere. goodlordmammamia, where is this? (the beach pictures.)

      1. Which campground did you go to? Big Sur is my dream of dreams, but the more removed campgrounds are sometimes full. This is gorgeous.

  3. ” I realized that my being raised by wolves makes me really excited about ANYTHING fancy. Gauche, maybe, but I’m still charmed and awed by nice hotel rooms & manicures.”

    That made me giggle. I totally empathize!

    I love how the chessboard photo lined up with the photo above it too. Was that planned? hehe

  4. LOVE. Especially love because I live on the central coast and I had my bachelorette in Palm Springs. So very close to my heart!

    I hear you about foncy things too. I’ve rarely had an opportunity to enjoy foncy rooms and trinkets, but it’s such a treat when I do!

    You’re making me want to roam, lady…

  5. I was thinking about “being raised by wolves” the other day. Though mine was “raised by Mormon’s in Utah”. No matter what I’m doing I still feel a little bit like a hick, and I try to be cool. But I can’t help but get excited about pretty much everything experience new or old. It’s fun, though, to be excited by the little things. I try to live that champagne lifestyle on a beer budget sort of deal, filling my life with little surprises and beautiful things and small luxuries (all found at the thrift store and with extreme deals). It’s nothing quite like extreme decadence and I’m totally tickled by clean white sheets and towels that don’t have pink hair dye on them or doggy hairs.

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