natty gann + clara bow

I’ve been into my cozy giant cardigan urchin-dumpling look during the last TWO WEEKS of rain, now I need to fancy it up a little. From this:


To this:



I need to tack these on the wall in the morning when I wake up, because I’m too sleepy to get dressed properly. And it needs to stop raining so I can wear my hexmas Chie Miharas.


  1. Ugh, Missoni. But last spring, I think? I want EVERYTHING. I’m just going to fake it.

    I’m so not into the current trend to dress like a frumpy 90s nerd? Slouch tees and short skirts looked bad enough on me in 1992!!!

    1. Seriously, I was JUST looking at your photos yesterday and wishing I could just wear dresses without having to worry about -always- having a million layers, even in summer!

  2. I spent approx. 3 weeks this winter wearing my boyfriend’s button down, black bloomers, and a fur stole. It started out exactly right, but went very wrong after, oh, day #4. But that didn’t stop me! I kept going. Class act.

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