
Every Friday I’ve been in the habit (ritual) of picking flowers from the garden for that week’s bouquet. For the last few weeks, though, the garden has been sparse – apparently the Bay Area doesn’t normally get rain this time of year, and it’s messing up the flowers. In 15 years I haven’t noticed that it doesn’t rain & that’s a little odd – we get June Gloom so I guess I’m just used to it being dreary!

I was missing my weekly flowers and the “baby fingernail pink” of these carnations caught my eye at the market, as well as the $4 price for a huge bundle. So I grabbed them and the little purple heathery bits (what is it?) and made a nice $7 bouquet for a rainy day. I’m usually the person who thinks carnations are relegated to junior high dance corsages, but this is the start of a new appreciation. They really are quite pretty.


  1. What a lovely bouquet! And I’m sure the scent is sweet and deicate. A good way to counter the June gloom! I like how you have a weekly bouquet. I think I’ll adopt that practice as well. : )

  2. What a lovely way to brighten up a house! And until you mentioned it, I hadn’t really noticed that our garden is a bit less colorful than previous years. I’ve been a bit bummed that it’s raining on weekend in June in the bay area. I was going to go on a bike ride…. but I guess that will have to wait.

    1. I know, we’ve planned on heading to Marin the last 2 weekends, and between the rain and head colds, we’re just sitting at home, and too sick to want to tackle projects!! Such a drag.

  3. I think carnations get a bad rap, and I don’t know why – they smell good, they come in all sorts of great colors, they don’t cost much, and they last forever. What’s not to love?

  4. I love the idea of choosing flowers every Friday, whether from your own garden or a market. Our garden is in full bloom right now (though our seasons have been pretty mixed up here in the UK & most gardeners are longing for rain) but I feel bad picking the flowers, like I’m taking them from the garden. If I made it into a once a week ritual then I might feel better about it. I like the way that you’ve transformed the carnations – they look much more ‘wild’ in this arrangement. Lovely!

  5. Sea Heather! It grows in the marshes here in Maine and keeps its color when dried. What a nice ritual and a great way to brighten up everything!

  6. Carnations are my birthflower! I used to think they were common and dull, but now I love them. I planted some in the garden, but the heat and drought are murdering them, alas! I wish I could have fancy lush Berkeley flower bouquets – I make them here, but they’re all sage-y and xeriscape-y. Wah!

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