be of good cheer

Our first married Christmas weekend in Vermont only had a few slip ups – 2 trips to the ER, a stomach flu that systematically took us down one by one, general malaise – but it was wonderful to have everyone here, and dinner was amazing. And the table? The best present ever, handmade by my brother. It’ll get it’s own post, when the light is decent (When will that be? Summer? Definitely having some seasonal sun-missing here) & I now have a new thrifting quest to find suitable chairs.


  1. Holy cow, your nephew is getting so BIG! Those pears look delicious, and I can’t wait to see more of your table. Sorry to hear about the flu and malaise, though.

  2. Happy New Year and sorry about the holiday flu. No fun! On the flipside, what a gorgeous table and I live those sweet stars. Can’t wait to see more!

  3. Wow, your brother is very talented; that table is stunning. I like to imagine that it will see many, many years of cheer and joy in that house of yours (fingers crossed).

    Sorry to hear you were ill; hope all is better now.

  4. Caramel covered pears. YUM. The table is so, so beautiful. What a talented man, your brother. Can’t wait to see/read more about it. Happy 2012.

  5. Oh that table! I’ve been searching for a dining room table for our new place and the prices make me want to stab something (especially since we sold our $99 steal of a vintage dining table when we moved last year).

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