Vergennes Laundry


We finally made the trek (about an hour west of us, but with the Green Mountains in the way it’s a windy, bumpy drive) over to the Vergennes Laundry. It was well worth it, with the best cup of coffee I’ve had in Vermont, tiny buckwheat honey cakes, and French pastries. Run by a husband (French) & wife (Vermonter) team, the space is gorgeous, featuring handmade tables & linens mixed with Aalto’s Artek (66) chairs. Definitely a weekend destination to add to the list!



    1. Every single time I see photos of Vermont I want to immediately move there.

      This place looks so serene and beautiful. Perfect for a weekend drive.

  1. I have always wanted to try that place. There is also a chocolate shop in Vergennes – have you tried it? And oy the drive – some of my favorite places are so close and so far at the same time. Especially in winter.

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