1. This is so lovely, Tamera! I love the European-style full-length windows. How awesome. I opened up the windows and swapped out the duvet for a quilt this weekend too. Bring it on, summer!

  2. Gorgeous blanket! I love those stripes. And it clearly has cat approval, too. I am the opposite, it’s getting colder and colder here and I’ve found our flannelette sheets – I long to go duvet shopping though, I hate my current, old one.

  3. Hi Tamera-

    So this has nothing to do with your summer bedroom (well, maybe it does, lol) but I wanted to pass on some info I just stumbled onto about infertility treatments. After another failed cycle trying on my own with a restrictive, no amylose diet and other natural things, I’m looking into infertility clinics in Oklahoma (where I moved in August). What I found was a link to a national IVF program that allows you to pay for a bunch of cycles of fresh and frozen IVF in one payment. The payment is, of course, ridiculous, and I doubt that my husband and I will be able to afford to try this, but the one thing that makes me feel a little better about it is that if the treatments are unsuccessful, you get a refund of 75%. Small consolation, but an important one for those of us who think $20,000 hardly sounds like a discounted price for anything. The one thing I don’t know, and maybe this is a callous question to have, is how strict they are in their definition of “becoming parents” (their measure of success for the treatments). Since I have PCOS, and it puts me at much higher risk for early miscarriage, I wonder if a positive pregnancy test would be enough to be considered “success.”

    Anyway, here’s a link: http://attainivf.attainfertility.com/clinic

    It doesn’t look like they have any participating clinics in Vermont, but I seem to remember you saying that you were considering going to surrounding states for treatment?

    Sorry to post this in your comments, but for some reason I couldn’t find an email link for you here.


  4. So gorgeous. I need a ginger cat for my bed, too! (Also, is that…an axe handle at the bedside? Excellent!)

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