down the rabbithole

I’ve definitely got the mean reds this week, oh dear! Mercury Retrograde, for sure. October, please hurry!! Bring cupcakes! Want to dig me a hole and burrow into some crisp leaves! Instead, distractions ~

1. 1930’s predictions for year 2000 fashion. Love the Continental accent, and “Ooh, swish!”

2.  Magic and plans and magic! So many secrets and surprises and amazing things coming up — October is soooo busy busy at my work and I just want to go home and nest up– but SOON I will be spending more more more time sewing! My serger is broken again and I just had it fixed: I’m afeared shes done for good, mateys.

6a00d8345169e469e200e5537dec348834-320pi3. Zhena’s Gypsy Rose Tea ~ black tea with red roses. Mmmm Fall coziness.

4. The Water Babies ~ A Fairy tale for a Land-Baby

5. At the age of 9, Tasha Tudor purchased her first article of early 19th century clothing.  Over the next seventy years, this iconic American author & illustrator amassed a comprehensive collection of American & European women’s, men’s and children’s historic clothing dating from the mid 18th  through the mid 19th centuries. Auction photos and catalog for sale, though the sale is over. Sad!

6. No, really. I want to share these secrets! Mppppsshshhhhmmmppph!!

7. Fever Ray is on Monday!! I’m sure I’ll freak out and want to start making music again. Who wants to make a ghostlingparanormalwitchchant band with me!?


  1. Poor honeys and I’m definitely feeling Mercury Retrograde too, my camera just went kaput on me!

    You and Manette would be a pretty band, you know she has a witch house in her bedroom?

  2. oooh, are you going to see Fever Ray? i was totally, utterly spellbound and you will be too. amazing.

    i hope you knock those mean reds into a top hat.

    and i want to be Tasha Tudor.

  3. Just to let you know Mercury retrograde has ended. Yeah! Moving forward again. I also found a book I would like to send you about homesteading from the 70s for your cabin project. It’s called Cloudburst: A Handbook of Rural Skills & Technology. 1973. A gift to thank you for your insights and inspirations. Email me an address if you would like it.

  4. oh and i bought some new tea yesterday – it’s by Pukka (can you get?) it’s called Harmonise, it’s supposed to balance and strengthen and contains rose, vanilla and camomile. it’s delicious – ah! send me your address and i will post some to you, and together we will all banish the mean reds by doing something nice.

  5. That video! Hee- “It’s the sleeves what does it!” & they were right about the “cantilevered heels” and jumpsuits, eh? You are to missing the Fever Ray, sicky no! Let’s drink rose tea and climb a tree.

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