1. Oh hooray for spirit hats! It is finally getting cool enough that I can wear mine again.. Make more! They (and you) are so magical.
    I like the new fontiness..
    Going to Enchanted Rock today- sending you big mountain love.

  2. Hi.
    I have enjoyed your Flickr pictures for a while now, and been so inspired by the lovely things you post. Came to your journal though the Verhext logo picture. I am making my own Cabinet of Curiosities right now, and it remided me of it.
    Our design/fashion/inspirations converge I think (Aurthur Rackham tattoo!) and I thought I’d post this comment in appreciation. I don’t want to lurk, you know?
    I went to Texas in June- and ended up attending a Tom Waits show (life-long dream), with Angel! She is good friends with my friends Chris and Annie. So, small world! I did not realize you knew each other, but it figures, since Angel KNEW that my tattoo was Rackham immediately, and said that we should form some kind of group of girls, “Rackham Girls” (or something) that describes the kind of girl that we (and I think, most likely, YOU) are.
    So, hullo Angel, hullo Tamera, keep up the good work of utterly inspiring beauty that you seem to pull off with stylish aplomb. Hurrah!

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